Block Shares

Block Shares
2982323 2982338 2982341 2982369 2982453 2982478 2982532 2982556 2982652 2982682 2982756 2982792 2982829 2982840 2982937 2983015 2983017 2983032 2983074 2983109
Expected 13885239 11819007 15688090 12097699 16097977 17499120 15824723 16801796 15624816 11168968 12317830 27315073 14418163 14890334 12858113 12004800 12570872 20197982 18239701 18301104
Actual 18361512 7642086 997885 19440332 43331800 13204717 30553818 12205427 56674334 19072888 40240420 14441455 25101877 5221168 51778158 40131497 410363 4453904 24955250 20654409
Average 19764339 19675573 17114227 14742756 18841387 16311409 17054266 17910927 22681541 22148480 24336371 25016308 27426707 26004790 26849426 29542104 26527759 25752606 22580698 22738850

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,257,241 540482 540369 113 203,921.0719 1763082011521 1932746458542 109.62% 3046034.1401652 10.28%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 34 34 0 557,467.0273 303262063 308127031 101.60% 170.00102031 2.36%
Last 7 Days 10,080 264 264 0 569,386.6707 2405089297 2252866083 93.67% 1320.00570242 2.62%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 1004 1004 0 591,609.2430 9503610880 9056966618 95.30% 5020.04270963 2.49%
Last 12 Month 483,840 9045 9043 2 515,451.4618 74579641109 109717303269 147.11% 45218.2391955 1.87%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2983109 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 10:18:14 (UTC) 1,143,818.98 5.000234 18,301,104 20,654,409 112.86
2983074 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 09:38:25 (UTC) 1,139,981.29 5.000000 18,239,701 24,955,250 136.82
2983032 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 08:48:54 (UTC) 1,262,373.91 5.000000 20,197,982 4,453,904 22.05
2983017 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 08:39:45 (UTC) 785,679.52 5.000000 12,570,872 410,363 3.26
2983015 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 08:38:49 (UTC) 750,299.99 5.000000 12,004,800 40,131,497 334.30
2982937 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 07:16:21 (UTC) 803,632.08 5.000000 12,858,113 51,778,158 402.69
2982840 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 05:31:45 (UTC) 930,645.90 5.000000 14,890,334 5,221,168 35.06
2982829 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 05:21:54 (UTC) 901,135.17 5.000000 14,418,163 25,101,877 174.10
2982792 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 04:35:02 (UTC) 1,707,192.06 5.000000 27,315,073 14,441,455 52.87
2982756 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 04:07:35 (UTC) 769,864.34 5.000000 12,317,830 40,240,420 326.68
2982682 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 02:52:32 (UTC) 698,060.50 5.000000 11,168,968 19,072,888 170.77
2982652 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 02:16:57 (UTC) 976,550.99 5.000000 15,624,816 56,674,334 362.72
2982556 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 00:30:36 (UTC) 1,050,112.27 5.000000 16,801,796 12,205,427 72.64
2982532 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 00:07:35 (UTC) 989,045.21 5.000000 15,824,723 30,553,818 193.08
2982478 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 23:09:33 (UTC) 1,093,694.99 5.000000 17,499,120 13,204,717 75.46
2982453 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 22:44:01 (UTC) 1,006,123.57 5.000000 16,097,977 43,331,800 269.18
2982369 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 21:21:30 (UTC) 756,106.20 5.000047 12,097,699 19,440,332 160.69
2982341 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 20:45:56 (UTC) 980,505.59 5.000000 15,688,090 997,885 6.36
2982338 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 20:44:03 (UTC) 738,687.91 5.000000 11,819,007 7,642,086 64.66
2982323 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 20:29:54 (UTC) 867,827.45 5.000000 13,885,239 18,361,512 132.24
Totals 309,621,407 448,873,300 144.97
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.