Block Shares

Block Shares
5429231 5429254 5429273 5429289 5429294 5429327 5429336 5429439 5429513 5429545 5429613 5429659 5429726 5429742 5429777 5429795 5429857 5429869 5429886 5429904
Expected 6826858 7018435 5713309 5445387 6413276 8338785 7416129 8066031 7870840 7413260 7820531 8261789 6560494 7323457 8960044 7867746 5952460 7472507 7507499 6806835
Actual 5145047 7267355 4472262 5576880 335221 9022982 3262503 29970602 21037786 9000686 19330046 13255864 19930393 4698630 9609189 5280395 18406542 3624245 3693299 6842871
Average 8838829 6565627 6893334 7244303 7264511 8006411 6480029 8876450 10097743 9509132 10927632 11526483 13072296 12984471 13911868 13537609 15052013 12417378 10682929 10467147

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,633,156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 483,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5429904 111 left anonymous 18/01 05:41:25 (UTC) 425,427.18 5.000000 6,806,835 6,842,871 100.53
5429886 93 left anonymous 18/01 05:16:31 (UTC) 469,218.70 5.000000 7,507,499 3,693,299 49.19
5429869 76 left anonymous 18/01 05:03:08 (UTC) 467,031.68 5.000000 7,472,507 3,624,245 48.50
5429857 64 left anonymous 18/01 04:49:58 (UTC) 372,028.74 5.000000 5,952,460 18,406,542 309.23
5429795 2 left anonymous 18/01 03:43:18 (UTC) 491,734.11 5.000000 7,867,746 5,280,395 67.11
5429777 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 03:24:03 (UTC) 560,002.76 5.000000 8,960,044 9,609,189 107.24
5429742 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 02:49:04 (UTC) 457,716.06 5.000000 7,323,457 4,698,630 64.16
5429726 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 02:32:10 (UTC) 410,030.85 5.000000 6,560,494 19,930,393 303.79
5429659 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 01:19:54 (UTC) 516,361.80 5.000551 8,261,789 13,255,864 160.45
5429613 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 00:31:54 (UTC) 488,783.21 5.000000 7,820,531 19,330,046 247.17
5429545 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 23:21:48 (UTC) 463,328.74 5.000000 7,413,260 9,000,686 121.41
5429513 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 22:49:16 (UTC) 491,927.50 5.000000 7,870,840 21,037,786 267.29
5429439 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 21:33:04 (UTC) 504,126.96 5.000000 8,066,031 29,970,602 371.57
5429336 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 19:43:46 (UTC) 463,508.05 5.000000 7,416,129 3,262,503 43.99
5429327 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 19:32:00 (UTC) 521,174.06 5.000000 8,338,785 9,022,982 108.20
5429294 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 18:59:00 (UTC) 400,829.75 5.000000 6,413,276 335,221 5.23
5429289 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 18:57:44 (UTC) 340,336.71 5.000000 5,445,387 5,576,880 102.41
5429273 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 18:37:23 (UTC) 357,081.80 5.000000 5,713,309 4,472,262 78.28
5429254 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 18:20:55 (UTC) 438,652.18 5.000000 7,018,435 7,267,355 103.55
5429231 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 17:54:27 (UTC) 426,678.60 5.000000 6,826,858 5,145,047 75.36
Totals 145,055,672 199,762,798 137.71
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.