Block Shares

Block Shares
5459749 5459854 5459999 5460102 5460164 5460169 5460207 5460222 5460229 5460260 5460293 5460327 5460364 5460386 5460502 5460577 5460634 5460662 5460667 5460674
Expected 8642711 6572052 9863981 8056331 9268685 8237698 6517212 5409040 7607490 9274412 6368793 9689121 7302266 9124491 5630918 8411475 8379346 7399148 7024328 7417448
Actual 5345807 19379949 26331338 19144395 11748691 1099426 8076120 1725365 959139 5726357 6767033 4987299 7475673 4017089 21843641 13453179 10473757 4881734 1095519 1845581
Average 7864334 8814642 11259469 13015185 14190029 12280381 11769361 11594484 10555647 9953659 10095781 8656516 6770950 5258219 6267714 7503090 7742853 8058490 8072128 7684051

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,662,463 550059 549946 113 208,912.5429 1838249876933 2009152821931 109.30% 3093926.3541133 9.71%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 463,590.5182 7417448 1845581 24.88% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 29 29 0 506,217.3154 234884834 249674622 106.30% 145.01211342 2.01%
Last 7 Days 10,080 205 205 0 525,868.3142 1724848071 1789475792 103.75% 1025.04583058 2.03%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 830 830 0 509,822.1526 6770438187 7423692326 109.65% 4150.77353348 2.06%
Last 12 Month 483,840 11244 11244 0 505,602.0050 90959823105 92157478855 101.32% 56227.37901111 2.32%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5460674 110 left anonymous 09/02 16:45:35 (UTC) 463,590.52 5.000000 7,417,448 1,845,581 24.88
5460667 103 left anonymous 09/02 16:34:56 (UTC) 439,020.52 5.000000 7,024,328 1,095,519 15.60
5460662 98 left anonymous 09/02 16:28:39 (UTC) 462,446.73 5.000000 7,399,148 4,881,734 65.98
5460634 70 left anonymous 09/02 16:00:35 (UTC) 523,709.13 5.000000 8,379,346 10,473,757 124.99
5460577 13 left anonymous 09/02 15:00:11 (UTC) 525,717.16 5.000000 8,411,475 13,453,179 159.94
5460502 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 13:43:22 (UTC) 351,932.39 5.000000 5,630,918 21,843,641 387.92
5460386 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 11:38:05 (UTC) 570,280.67 5.000000 9,124,491 4,017,089 44.03
5460364 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 11:15:10 (UTC) 456,391.61 5.000000 7,302,266 7,475,673 102.37
5460327 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 10:32:24 (UTC) 605,570.09 5.000000 9,689,121 4,987,299 51.47
5460293 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 10:03:57 (UTC) 398,049.55 5.000000 6,368,793 6,767,033 106.25
5460260 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 09:25:23 (UTC) 579,650.74 5.000000 9,274,412 5,726,357 61.74
5460229 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 08:52:38 (UTC) 475,468.13 5.000000 7,607,490 959,139 12.61
5460222 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 08:47:03 (UTC) 338,064.99 5.000000 5,409,040 1,725,365 31.90
5460207 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 08:37:08 (UTC) 407,325.77 5.000000 6,517,212 8,076,120 123.92
5460169 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 07:50:57 (UTC) 514,856.14 5.000000 8,237,698 1,099,426 13.35
5460164 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 07:44:37 (UTC) 579,292.81 5.000000 9,268,685 11,748,691 126.76
5460102 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 06:36:55 (UTC) 503,520.70 5.000000 8,056,331 19,144,395 237.63
5459999 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 04:47:33 (UTC) 616,498.84 5.000000 9,863,981 26,331,338 266.94
5459854 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 02:16:48 (UTC) 410,753.25 5.000000 6,572,052 19,379,949 294.88
5459749 Confirmed anonymous 09/02 00:26:07 (UTC) 540,169.41 5.000000 8,642,711 5,345,807 61.85
Totals 156,196,946 176,377,092 112.92
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.