Block Shares

Block Shares
2983109 2983110 2983121 2983131 2983172 2983189 2983197 2983202 2983312 2983341 2983346 2983363 2983421 2983482 2983485 2983494 2983588 2983700 2983755 2983780
Expected 18301104 15687460 12084917 11963840 15944370 17665672 23213143 18653250 19220027 22232903 20711798 18388181 20581794 16311876 17369021 13398405 15100799 18431413 12615993 14472036
Actual 20654409 1855267 6673465 2300493 21389189 8945396 2149121 3923727 56755730 14760318 3063440 7322037 31278844 33248306 2609867 3384428 49612834 56997921 31667141 12648319
Average 22738850 18900335 18123536 15843397 17460200 13176923 9378686 9730022 14960205 13940712 12181615 12728292 15188830 18283611 16405679 15849582 20595953 25903373 23394514 23183314

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,277,178 540971 540858 113 204,253.3222 1767552693179 1937179905221 109.60% 3048479.1566247 10.25%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 385,956.8107 6175309 20665613 334.65% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 42 42 0 575,752.5765 386905731 311670377 80.55% 210.00011601 2.92%
Last 7 Days 10,080 257 257 0 570,253.4502 2344882187 2265631125 96.62% 1285.00550009 2.55%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 1007 1007 0 577,685.8471 9307674368 9017610049 96.88% 5035.03577123 2.50%
Last 12 Month 483,840 8711 8709 2 522,516.2496 72809504278 108115892169 148.49% 43548.174207 1.80%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2983780 Confirmed Davidzpce 28/02 22:02:29 (UTC) 904,502.25 5.000000 14,472,036 12,648,319 87.40
2983755 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 21:37:25 (UTC) 788,499.58 5.000000 12,615,993 31,667,141 251.01
2983700 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 20:34:24 (UTC) 1,151,963.32 5.000000 18,431,413 56,997,921 309.24
2983588 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 18:40:58 (UTC) 943,799.95 5.000000 15,100,799 49,612,834 328.54
2983494 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 17:01:13 (UTC) 837,400.28 5.000000 13,398,405 3,384,428 25.26
2983485 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 16:54:24 (UTC) 1,085,563.81 5.000000 17,369,021 2,609,867 15.03
2983482 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 16:49:15 (UTC) 1,019,492.24 5.000000 16,311,876 33,248,306 203.83
2983421 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 15:42:23 (UTC) 1,286,362.10 5.000000 20,581,794 31,278,844 151.97
2983363 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 14:39:02 (UTC) 1,149,261.31 5.000000 18,388,181 7,322,037 39.82
2983346 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 14:23:50 (UTC) 1,294,487.37 5.000000 20,711,798 3,063,440 14.79
2983341 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 14:17:39 (UTC) 1,389,556.41 5.000000 22,232,903 14,760,318 66.39
2983312 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 13:47:33 (UTC) 1,201,251.68 5.000000 19,220,027 56,755,730 295.29
2983202 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 11:51:34 (UTC) 1,165,828.14 5.000000 18,653,250 3,923,727 21.04
2983197 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 11:43:42 (UTC) 1,450,821.41 5.000000 23,213,143 2,149,121 9.26
2983189 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 11:39:16 (UTC) 1,104,104.49 5.000000 17,665,672 8,945,396 50.64
2983172 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 11:21:06 (UTC) 996,523.12 5.000000 15,944,370 21,389,189 134.15
2983131 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 10:38:58 (UTC) 747,740.01 5.000000 11,963,840 2,300,493 19.23
2983121 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 10:34:24 (UTC) 755,307.34 5.000000 12,084,917 6,673,465 55.22
2983110 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 10:21:48 (UTC) 980,466.25 5.000000 15,687,460 1,855,267 11.83
2983109 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 10:18:14 (UTC) 1,143,818.98 5.000234 18,301,104 20,654,409 112.86
Totals 342,348,002 371,240,252 108.44
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.