Block Shares

Block Shares
4840667 4840862 4840957 4841269 4841612 4842381 4842942 4843058 4843108 4843141 4844034 4844104 4844210 4844361 4844686 4845109 4845195 4845206 4845280 4845282
Expected 11267040 9788253 10223865 7285479 8708530 8468234 9161279 12166701 9554661 6889260 6293529 7309332 8472235 9875843 11856629 10089035 9205016 12611724 11568493 11185543
Actual 1823728 46389100 22332476 78214771 83844513 197941418 147510150 31601142 13495626 10126827 233862041 15640592 20758286 29799086 66217177 89667336 18118632 1874713 15349713 509960
Average 47487002 51424956 48250406 52973803 61078634 61872831 70944617 73551399 65578255 63327975 86531806 83456956 83299537 78457968 76695235 65867826 52928675 49956032 50141440 49179754

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,453,794 544886 544773 113 206,295.3947 1798146576496 1968279208917 109.46% 3068059.423747 9.99%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 583,755.2552 9340084 24656773 263.99% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 41 41 0 371,623.8667 243785257 231259242 94.86% 205.01086978 2.85%
Last 7 Days 10,080 358 358 0 312,149.6574 1787993238 1667182530 93.24% 1790.0700697 3.55%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 990 990 0 418,234.0094 6624826708 6652449987 100.42% 4950.15538498 2.46%
Last 12 Month 483,840 6848 6848 0 529,959.8122 58066636700 85184028033 146.70% 34245.75537943 1.42%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4845282 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 13:59:18 (UTC) 699,096.45 5.000165 11,185,543 509,960 4.56
4845280 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 13:56:16 (UTC) 723,030.79 5.000000 11,568,493 15,349,713 132.69
4845206 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 12:38:23 (UTC) 788,232.77 5.000000 12,611,724 1,874,713 14.86
4845195 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 12:27:46 (UTC) 575,313.49 5.000000 9,205,016 18,118,632 196.83
4845109 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 10:59:42 (UTC) 630,564.70 5.000000 10,089,035 89,667,336 888.76
4844686 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 03:31:58 (UTC) 741,039.31 5.000000 11,856,629 66,217,177 558.48
4844361 Confirmed anonymous 17/11 21:54:57 (UTC) 617,240.17 5.000000 9,875,843 29,799,086 301.74
4844210 Confirmed anonymous 17/11 19:15:12 (UTC) 529,514.67 5.000000 8,472,235 20,758,286 245.02
4844104 Confirmed anonymous 17/11 17:27:26 (UTC) 456,833.25 5.000785 7,309,332 15,640,592 213.98
4844034 Confirmed anonymous 17/11 16:09:24 (UTC) 393,345.56 5.000000 6,293,529 233,862,041 3,715.91
4843141 Confirmed anonymous 17/11 00:37:41 (UTC) 430,578.73 5.000000 6,889,260 10,126,827 146.99
4843108 Confirmed anonymous 16/11 23:57:59 (UTC) 597,166.31 5.000000 9,554,661 13,495,626 141.25
4843058 Confirmed anonymous 16/11 23:05:16 (UTC) 760,418.79 5.000000 12,166,701 31,601,142 259.73
4842942 Confirmed anonymous 16/11 21:01:33 (UTC) 572,579.91 5.000000 9,161,279 147,510,150 1,610.15
4842381 Confirmed anonymous 16/11 11:12:22 (UTC) 529,264.62 5.000000 8,468,234 197,941,418 2,337.46
4841612 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 21:46:46 (UTC) 544,283.10 5.000000 8,708,530 83,844,513 962.79
4841269 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 15:49:10 (UTC) 455,342.42 5.000000 7,285,479 78,214,771 1,073.57
4840957 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 10:15:47 (UTC) 638,991.54 5.000000 10,223,865 22,332,476 218.43
4840862 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 08:37:12 (UTC) 611,765.79 5.000000 9,788,253 46,389,100 473.93
4840667 Confirmed anonymous 15/11 05:14:19 (UTC) 704,190.03 5.000128 11,267,040 1,823,728 16.19
Totals 191,980,681 1,125,077,287 586.04
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.