Block Shares

Block Shares
5261430 5261434 5261450 5261451 5261469 5261478 5261516 5261531 5261538 5261557 5261630 5261631 5261739 5261761 5261797 5261804 5261806 5261854 5261905 5261998
Expected 4960328 5029665 5946414 5907995 6095582 5648954 5101912 5372285 7524151 6098285 4993386 5265041 7151035 6249420 7604659 7492363 6956294 5935111 6734751 9479369
Actual 3491476 121652 3635207 5376 3150448 1618763 7361733 2445634 721144 3973373 13506787 657190 18663860 3824509 6312160 1011986 937416 8709614 8772314 16616503
Average 5944105 5357655 5618940 4558368 4069217 4126973 3084259 2803043 2816591 2652481 3654012 3707566 5210431 5592344 5908515 5847838 5205406 5831804 6636921 7901234

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,453,685 544885 544772 113 206,294.7018 1798137236412 1968254552144 109.46% 3068054.423747 9.99%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 43 43 0 356,063.2782 244971535 221237561 90.31% 215.01086978 2.99%
Last 7 Days 10,080 360 360 0 311,293.5902 1793051080 1652253410 92.15% 1800.0700697 3.57%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 991 991 0 418,008.0072 6627934963 6643894685 100.24% 4955.15620298 2.46%
Last 12 Month 483,840 6848 6848 0 529,969.9644 58067749063 85190532429 146.71% 34245.75537943 1.42%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5261998 80 left anonymous 17/09 16:24:19 (UTC) 592,460.57 5.000000 9,479,369 16,616,503 175.29
5261905 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 14:47:53 (UTC) 420,921.95 5.000000 6,734,751 8,772,314 130.25
5261854 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 13:56:47 (UTC) 370,944.42 5.000000 5,935,111 8,709,614 146.75
5261806 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 13:06:25 (UTC) 434,768.37 5.000000 6,956,294 937,416 13.48
5261804 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 13:01:01 (UTC) 468,272.66 5.000000 7,492,363 1,011,986 13.51
5261797 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 12:55:06 (UTC) 475,291.16 5.000000 7,604,659 6,312,160 83.00
5261761 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 12:18:29 (UTC) 390,588.76 5.000306 6,249,420 3,824,509 61.20
5261739 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 11:56:18 (UTC) 446,939.68 5.000000 7,151,035 18,663,860 261.00
5261631 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 10:07:52 (UTC) 329,065.05 5.000000 5,265,041 657,190 12.48
5261630 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 10:04:04 (UTC) 312,086.61 5.000752 4,993,386 13,506,787 270.49
5261557 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 08:45:34 (UTC) 381,142.81 5.000000 6,098,285 3,973,373 65.16
5261538 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 08:22:44 (UTC) 470,259.47 5.000798 7,524,151 721,144 9.58
5261531 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 08:18:33 (UTC) 335,767.81 5.000000 5,372,285 2,445,634 45.52
5261516 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 08:04:23 (UTC) 318,869.49 5.000000 5,101,912 7,361,733 144.29
5261478 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 07:22:26 (UTC) 353,059.66 5.000033 5,648,954 1,618,763 28.66
5261469 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 07:13:07 (UTC) 380,973.89 5.000000 6,095,582 3,150,448 51.68
5261451 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 06:55:13 (UTC) 369,249.69 5.000000 5,907,995 5,376 0.09
5261450 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 06:55:09 (UTC) 371,650.85 5.000000 5,946,414 3,635,207 61.13
5261434 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 06:34:24 (UTC) 314,354.07 5.000000 5,029,665 121,652 2.42
5261430 Confirmed anonymous 17/09 06:33:37 (UTC) 310,020.50 5.000000 4,960,328 3,491,476 70.39
Totals 125,547,000 105,537,145 84.06
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.