Block Shares

Block Shares
3588890 3588928 3588933 3588937 3588939 3588949 3588961 3588969 3589036 3589049 3589146 3589164 3589167 3589189 3589198 3589265 3589294 3589306 3589363 3589397
Expected 15238037 11280573 11745336 11042521 10849691 16558673 13555351 12013687 15231256 13541713 12082228 13458986 14919202 9397101 14655022 14965171 10559919 9849286 12849135 13364428
Actual 2414951 9294528 991185 922171 191431 1836735 3835964 2033194 14978463 4470859 23674487 3346359 1222893 5999683 1802950 15725721 8915368 2039564 14203612 8446661
Average 17077807 17359671 16184367 13298552 11646265 9857795 9230926 6113954 6517708 4096948 6222902 5628085 5651256 6159007 6320159 7709057 8216998 8217635 8140150 8537730

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,458,423 544972 544859 113 206,333.6185 1798763664968 1969038085757 109.47% 3068489.4455535 9.98%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 20 20 0 462,518.6368 148005964 211837057 143.13% 100.00288563 1.39%
Last 7 Days 10,080 275 275 0 358,886.9037 1579102376 1675585609 106.11% 1375.06003433 2.73%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 982 982 0 416,283.0743 6540639663 6616920400 101.17% 4910.17066498 2.44%
Last 12 Month 483,840 6905 6905 0 528,835.6740 58425765259 84909999978 145.33% 34530.77648447 1.43%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3589397 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 22:50:51 (UTC) 835,276.76 5.000000 13,364,428 8,446,661 63.20
3589363 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 22:14:55 (UTC) 803,070.93 5.000000 12,849,135 14,203,612 110.54
3589306 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 21:14:29 (UTC) 615,580.36 5.000000 9,849,286 2,039,564 20.71
3589294 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 21:05:48 (UTC) 659,994.96 5.000000 10,559,919 8,915,368 84.43
3589265 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 20:28:01 (UTC) 935,323.18 5.000000 14,965,171 15,725,721 105.08
3589198 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 19:21:04 (UTC) 915,938.87 5.000000 14,655,022 1,802,950 12.30
3589189 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 19:13:18 (UTC) 587,318.80 5.000000 9,397,101 5,999,683 63.85
3589167 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 18:47:50 (UTC) 932,450.14 5.000000 14,919,202 1,222,893 8.20
3589164 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 18:42:36 (UTC) 841,186.63 5.000000 13,458,986 3,346,359 24.86
3589146 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 18:28:16 (UTC) 755,139.26 5.000000 12,082,228 23,674,487 195.94
3589049 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 16:47:10 (UTC) 846,357.07 5.000000 13,541,713 4,470,859 33.02
3589036 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 16:28:26 (UTC) 951,953.48 5.000000 15,231,256 14,978,463 98.34
3588969 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 15:23:41 (UTC) 750,855.41 5.000000 12,013,687 2,033,194 16.92
3588961 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 15:14:45 (UTC) 847,209.44 5.000000 13,555,351 3,835,964 28.30
3588949 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 14:57:58 (UTC) 1,034,917.06 5.000000 16,558,673 1,836,735 11.09
3588939 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 14:49:41 (UTC) 678,105.72 5.000072 10,849,691 191,431 1.76
3588937 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 14:48:49 (UTC) 690,157.57 5.000000 11,042,521 922,171 8.35
3588933 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 14:44:44 (UTC) 734,083.50 5.000000 11,745,336 991,185 8.44
3588928 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 14:40:22 (UTC) 705,035.79 5.000000 11,280,573 9,294,528 82.39
3588890 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 13:59:35 (UTC) 952,377.32 5.000000 15,238,037 2,414,951 15.85
Totals 257,157,316 126,346,779 49.13
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.