Block Shares

Block Shares
3348420 3350417 3350525 3350575 3350605 3350943 3351220 3351267 3351823 3351982 3352027 3352140 3352162 3352309 3352434 3352522 3352543 3352616 3352803 3352916
Expected 17644852 14215082 17046035 22859947 21499677 22333101 16476662 20756102 15087447 18934833 13484799 10389464 10990044 7998337 12318770 9845840 11584162 11181121 16971180 25534945
Actual 36322807 176876957 9552463 4333831 2918708 30621369 25462503 3612440 50452420 13588748 4185576 10167612 2015049 13018524 10835999 7820697 1362438 6192331 15812554 9330918
Average 22700982 38722163 36994437 36075670 33291955 36152901 35781626 35404075 35336728 35374225 32160502 15489567 14735826 15604295 16396024 14115957 11705950 11963939 8499953 8074170

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,458,380 544972 544859 113 206,333.6185 1798763664968 1969038085757 109.47% 3068489.4455535 9.98%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 21 21 0 461,943.8959 155213149 220844006 142.28% 105.00288563 1.46%
Last 7 Days 10,080 277 277 0 358,354.9486 1588229132 1684829017 106.08% 1385.06114661 2.75%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 982 982 0 416,283.0743 6540639663 6616920400 101.17% 4910.17066498 2.44%
Last 12 Month 483,840 6905 6905 0 528,835.6740 58425765259 84909999978 145.33% 34530.77648447 1.43%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3352916 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 08:23:22 (UTC) 1,595,934.09 5.000000 25,534,945 9,330,918 36.54
3352803 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 06:31:26 (UTC) 1,060,698.73 5.000117 16,971,180 15,812,554 93.17
3352616 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 03:19:10 (UTC) 698,820.07 5.000000 11,181,121 6,192,331 55.38
3352543 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 02:02:35 (UTC) 724,010.15 5.000100 11,584,162 1,362,438 11.76
3352522 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 01:45:43 (UTC) 615,365.03 5.000000 9,845,840 7,820,697 79.43
3352434 Confirmed anonymous 24/11 00:08:46 (UTC) 769,923.11 5.000000 12,318,770 10,835,999 87.96
3352309 Orphan anonymous 23/11 21:58:45 (UTC) 499,896.04 5.000000 7,998,337 13,018,524 162.77
3352162 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 19:26:00 (UTC) 686,877.76 5.000000 10,990,044 2,015,049 18.34
3352140 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 19:02:18 (UTC) 649,341.47 5.000000 10,389,464 10,167,612 97.86
3352027 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 17:00:33 (UTC) 842,799.91 5.000000 13,484,799 4,185,576 31.04
3351982 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 16:10:23 (UTC) 1,183,427.05 5.000000 18,934,833 13,588,748 71.77
3351823 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 13:27:02 (UTC) 942,965.42 5.000000 15,087,447 50,452,420 334.40
3351267 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 03:36:02 (UTC) 1,297,256.40 5.000000 20,756,102 3,612,440 17.40
3351220 Confirmed anonymous 23/11 02:52:05 (UTC) 1,029,791.36 5.000000 16,476,662 25,462,503 154.54
3350943 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 21:53:03 (UTC) 1,395,818.81 5.000000 22,333,101 30,621,369 137.11
3350605 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 16:02:40 (UTC) 1,343,729.84 5.000044 21,499,677 2,918,708 13.58
3350575 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 15:29:18 (UTC) 1,428,746.66 5.000000 22,859,947 4,333,831 18.96
3350525 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 14:39:38 (UTC) 1,065,377.21 5.000000 17,046,035 9,552,463 56.04
3350417 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 12:49:40 (UTC) 888,442.64 5.000000 14,215,082 176,876,957 1,244.29
3348420 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 01:48:16 (UTC) 1,102,803.26 5.000000 17,644,852 36,322,807 205.85
Totals 317,152,400 434,483,944 137.00
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.