Block Shares

Block Shares
5454275 5454360 5454386 5454429 5454449 5454539 5454545 5454615 5454671 5454676 5454724 5454728 5454821 5454866 5454894 5454945 5454949 5454951 5455024 5455067
Expected 9027603 7395701 6235808 7511946 10989529 11243673 10432283 8725128 13394018 9083497 7332911 7900231 12207818 9635970 7113361 6247718 5734639 6109656 7886015 7232085
Actual 3522350 15258645 5260763 7662100 3156803 16796775 1610757 12843852 9591937 2313632 8954549 198656 16494278 8873099 6408930 9358097 876775 176673 13254061 8641292
Average 13088420 14361963 14810390 12044528 8790856 9658414 8149851 9313990 10224247 7801761 8344981 6838982 7962334 8083434 8408647 7664779 7591381 6324663 6690875 7323641

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,662,443 550059 549946 113 208,912.5429 1838249876933 2009152821931 109.30% 3093926.3541133 9.71%
Last Hour 60 3 3 0 455,019.2574 21840924 7822834 35.82% 15 5.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 29 29 0 506,217.3154 234884834 249674622 106.30% 145.01211342 2.01%
Last 7 Days 10,080 205 205 0 525,868.3142 1724848071 1789475792 103.75% 1025.04583058 2.03%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 830 830 0 509,822.1526 6770438187 7423692326 109.65% 4150.77353348 2.06%
Last 12 Month 483,840 11244 11244 0 505,602.0050 90959823105 92157478855 101.32% 56227.37901111 2.32%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5455067 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 14:33:00 (UTC) 452,005.34 5.000000 7,232,085 8,641,292 119.49
5455024 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 13:44:07 (UTC) 492,875.95 5.000000 7,886,015 13,254,061 168.07
5454951 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 12:29:20 (UTC) 381,853.50 5.000000 6,109,656 176,673 2.89
5454949 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 12:28:17 (UTC) 358,414.95 5.000000 5,734,639 876,775 15.29
5454945 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 12:23:17 (UTC) 390,482.36 5.000000 6,247,718 9,358,097 149.78
5454894 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 11:30:33 (UTC) 444,585.05 5.000000 7,113,361 6,408,930 90.10
5454866 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 10:54:32 (UTC) 602,248.10 5.000000 9,635,970 8,873,099 92.08
5454821 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 10:04:25 (UTC) 762,988.63 5.000000 12,207,818 16,494,278 135.11
5454728 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 08:31:02 (UTC) 493,764.42 5.001116 7,900,231 198,656 2.51
5454724 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 08:29:48 (UTC) 458,306.94 5.000000 7,332,911 8,954,549 122.11
5454676 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 07:39:12 (UTC) 567,718.56 5.000000 9,083,497 2,313,632 25.47
5454671 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 07:26:14 (UTC) 837,126.13 5.000000 13,394,018 9,591,937 71.61
5454615 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 06:31:47 (UTC) 545,320.51 5.000000 8,725,128 12,843,852 147.21
5454545 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 05:19:24 (UTC) 652,017.71 5.000000 10,432,283 1,610,757 15.44
5454539 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 05:10:20 (UTC) 702,729.54 5.000000 11,243,673 16,796,775 149.39
5454449 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 03:34:58 (UTC) 686,845.58 5.000000 10,989,529 3,156,803 28.73
5454429 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 03:17:07 (UTC) 469,496.61 5.000000 7,511,946 7,662,100 102.00
5454386 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 02:33:54 (UTC) 389,737.97 5.000000 6,235,808 5,260,763 84.36
5454360 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 02:04:09 (UTC) 462,231.32 5.000000 7,395,701 15,258,645 206.32
5454275 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 00:37:39 (UTC) 564,225.16 5.000000 9,027,603 3,522,350 39.02
Totals 171,439,590 151,254,024 88.23
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.