Block Shares

Block Shares
5245553 5245639 5245652 5245705 5245739 5245746 5245784 5245787 5245801 5245822 5245940 5246015 5246018 5246091 5246171 5246397 5246449 5246478 5246566 5246639
Expected 6707524 8635736 8637453 6906931 7939526 6888599 10778080 8939600 8821802 10507116 8150938 6241580 6414754 10053432 5139372 6364677 6465603 8586290 6793211 7538160
Actual 23479842 15287996 2453492 10313376 6411573 1193670 6601359 488922 2296052 3828816 22794207 14402039 338607 12715928 15869287 24066227 5503407 2851090 9747815 8198981
Average 11729604 12189868 9124213 10150814 10336345 10149786 10463577 10069477 7397886 7235510 7166946 7078351 6866862 7107117 8052889 10340144 10230349 10466566 11211742 11648759

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,453,733 544885 544772 113 206,294.7018 1798137236412 1968254552144 109.46% 3068054.423747 9.99%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 41 41 0 363,782.9018 238641584 214193414 89.76% 205.01086978 2.85%
Last 7 Days 10,080 357 357 0 311,388.8574 1778653153 1642525757 92.35% 1785.0700697 3.54%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 990 990 0 418,136.6546 6623284609 6635298025 100.18% 4950.15620298 2.46%
Last 12 Month 483,840 6848 6848 0 529,969.9644 58067749063 85190532429 146.71% 34245.75537943 1.42%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5246639 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 11:25:10 (UTC) 471,135.01 5.000000 7,538,160 8,198,981 108.77
5246566 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 10:08:42 (UTC) 424,575.71 5.000000 6,793,211 9,747,815 143.49
5246478 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 08:35:13 (UTC) 536,643.14 5.000000 8,586,290 2,851,090 33.21
5246449 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 08:07:15 (UTC) 404,100.21 5.000000 6,465,603 5,503,407 85.12
5246397 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 07:15:42 (UTC) 397,792.34 5.000000 6,364,677 24,066,227 378.12
5246171 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 03:19:37 (UTC) 321,210.78 5.000000 5,139,372 15,869,287 308.78
5246091 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 01:49:22 (UTC) 628,339.50 5.001110 10,053,432 12,715,928 126.48
5246018 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 00:36:51 (UTC) 400,922.13 5.000000 6,414,754 338,607 5.28
5246015 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 00:34:55 (UTC) 390,098.74 5.000000 6,241,580 14,402,039 230.74
5245940 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 23:13:12 (UTC) 509,433.65 5.000000 8,150,938 22,794,207 279.65
5245822 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 21:04:44 (UTC) 656,694.76 5.000000 10,507,116 3,828,816 36.44
5245801 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 20:43:15 (UTC) 551,362.64 5.000000 8,821,802 2,296,052 26.03
5245787 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 20:30:12 (UTC) 558,725.02 5.000000 8,939,600 488,922 5.47
5245784 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 20:27:27 (UTC) 673,630.00 5.000000 10,778,080 6,601,359 61.25
5245746 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 19:50:03 (UTC) 430,537.42 5.000000 6,888,599 1,193,670 17.33
5245739 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 19:43:15 (UTC) 496,220.38 5.000000 7,939,526 6,411,573 80.76
5245705 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 19:06:58 (UTC) 431,683.16 5.000000 6,906,931 10,313,376 149.32
5245652 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 18:09:02 (UTC) 539,840.81 5.000000 8,637,453 2,453,492 28.41
5245639 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 17:55:09 (UTC) 539,733.48 5.000000 8,635,736 15,287,996 177.03
5245553 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 16:28:31 (UTC) 419,220.26 5.000000 6,707,524 23,479,842 350.05
Totals 156,510,384 188,842,686 120.66
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.