Block Shares

Block Shares
5243521 5243582 5243595 5243696 5243804 5243856 5243931 5244000 5244001 5244049 5244078 5244202 5244322 5244355 5244368 5244410 5244435 5244485 5244502 5244521
Expected 7914914 6678868 5635966 5163566 9090124 5945793 8282326 7585385 7724369 5686080 6854220 7177246 6639266 8627363 9724051 9834634 8776873 7125061 6111367 6318232
Actual 18496 11615365 1999887 18223369 17897772 10924023 12742562 13399871 99863 9631415 5078283 23169889 23665892 5069213 1784633 8279834 4595623 10449481 2577497 4445453
Average 10392385 11534867 10478414 12223076 13946814 11707157 12166288 13207653 9894315 9655262 10161241 11316693 13483294 12167878 10556564 10292146 9477452 9182413 9430176 8911580

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,453,815 544886 544773 113 206,295.3947 1798146576496 1968279208917 109.46% 3068059.423747 9.99%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 41 41 0 371,623.8667 243785257 231259242 94.86% 205.01086978 2.85%
Last 7 Days 10,080 358 358 0 312,149.6574 1787993238 1667182530 93.24% 1790.0700697 3.55%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 990 990 0 418,234.0094 6624826708 6652449987 100.42% 4950.15538498 2.46%
Last 12 Month 483,840 6848 6848 0 529,959.8122 58066636700 85184028033 146.70% 34245.75537943 1.42%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5244521 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 22:31:36 (UTC) 394,889.52 5.000000 6,318,232 4,445,453 70.36
5244502 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 22:06:36 (UTC) 381,960.42 5.000000 6,111,367 2,577,497 42.18
5244485 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 21:52:03 (UTC) 445,316.30 5.000000 7,125,061 10,449,481 146.66
5244435 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 20:53:03 (UTC) 548,554.59 5.000796 8,776,873 4,595,623 52.36
5244410 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 20:26:58 (UTC) 614,664.61 5.000000 9,834,634 8,279,834 84.19
5244368 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 19:40:08 (UTC) 607,753.22 5.000000 9,724,051 1,784,633 18.35
5244355 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 19:30:04 (UTC) 539,210.18 5.000000 8,627,363 5,069,213 58.76
5244322 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 19:01:48 (UTC) 414,954.14 5.000000 6,639,266 23,665,892 356.45
5244202 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 16:49:47 (UTC) 448,577.87 5.000796 7,177,246 23,169,889 322.82
5244078 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 14:41:04 (UTC) 428,388.75 5.000000 6,854,220 5,078,283 74.09
5244049 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 14:13:03 (UTC) 355,379.98 5.000000 5,686,080 9,631,415 169.39
5244001 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 13:19:25 (UTC) 482,773.04 5.001109 7,724,369 99,863 1.29
5244000 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 13:18:51 (UTC) 474,086.53 5.000000 7,585,385 13,399,871 176.65
5243931 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 12:03:45 (UTC) 517,645.39 5.000000 8,282,326 12,742,562 153.85
5243856 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 10:51:11 (UTC) 371,612.04 5.000000 5,945,793 10,924,023 183.73
5243804 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 09:49:58 (UTC) 568,132.77 5.000000 9,090,124 17,897,772 196.89
5243696 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 08:06:11 (UTC) 322,722.86 5.000688 5,163,566 18,223,369 352.92
5243595 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 06:13:44 (UTC) 352,247.86 5.000000 5,635,966 1,999,887 35.48
5243582 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 06:01:35 (UTC) 417,429.24 5.000597 6,678,868 11,615,365 173.91
5243521 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 04:50:54 (UTC) 494,682.13 5.000796 7,914,914 18,496 0.23
Totals 146,895,704 185,668,421 126.39
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.