Block Shares

Block Shares
5167727 5167762 5167866 5167938 5167977 5168017 5168056 5168091 5168111 5168139 5168200 5168205 5168206 5168211 5168391 5168463 5168480 5168492 5168516 5168579
Expected 10141977 7148678 8624149 7170821 10353613 10088786 9975745 6985297 10181079 9553198 6347360 8462759 9397979 11378415 6575314 7641895 9306135 8785522 10621349 12439422
Actual 10781823 7301667 20028821 14134772 6451018 7615041 7721337 7085168 2949944 5375484 12094918 261074 95125 818674 34309168 13118764 3007656 2431477 3817878 11137175
Average 7556391 8204085 9780110 11059808 11173792 11663071 11606833 11009197 8519375 8944508 9075817 8371758 6378388 5046778 7832593 8382966 7911598 7446228 7533022 8109191

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,453,659 544885 544772 113 206,294.7018 1798137236412 1968254552144 109.46% 3068054.423747 9.99%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 43 43 0 356,063.2782 244971535 221237561 90.31% 215.01086978 2.99%
Last 7 Days 10,080 360 360 0 311,293.5902 1793051080 1652253410 92.15% 1800.0700697 3.57%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 991 991 0 418,008.0072 6627934963 6643894685 100.24% 4955.15620298 2.46%
Last 12 Month 483,840 6848 6848 0 529,969.9644 58067749063 85190532429 146.71% 34245.75537943 1.42%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5168579 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 12:27:13 (UTC) 777,463.87 5.000000 12,439,422 11,137,175 89.53
5168516 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 11:24:30 (UTC) 663,834.32 5.000000 10,621,349 3,817,878 35.95
5168492 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 11:03:03 (UTC) 549,095.10 5.000033 8,785,522 2,431,477 27.68
5168480 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 10:49:15 (UTC) 581,633.44 5.000000 9,306,135 3,007,656 32.32
5168463 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 10:32:20 (UTC) 477,618.44 5.041639 7,641,895 13,118,764 171.67
5168391 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 09:18:49 (UTC) 410,957.13 5.000000 6,575,314 34,309,168 521.79
5168211 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 06:03:23 (UTC) 711,150.96 5.000000 11,378,415 818,674 7.19
5168206 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 05:58:44 (UTC) 587,373.70 5.000000 9,397,979 95,125 1.01
5168205 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 05:58:12 (UTC) 528,922.43 5.000000 8,462,759 261,074 3.08
5168200 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 05:56:44 (UTC) 396,710.00 5.000000 6,347,360 12,094,918 190.55
5168139 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 04:49:24 (UTC) 597,074.86 5.000000 9,553,198 5,375,484 56.27
5168111 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 04:19:24 (UTC) 636,317.46 5.016042 10,181,079 2,949,944 28.97
5168091 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 04:02:44 (UTC) 436,581.04 5.000000 6,985,297 7,085,168 101.43
5168056 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 03:23:09 (UTC) 623,484.08 5.000000 9,975,745 7,721,337 77.40
5168017 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 02:40:18 (UTC) 630,549.15 5.000000 10,088,786 7,615,041 75.48
5167977 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 01:58:34 (UTC) 647,100.83 5.000000 10,353,613 6,451,018 62.31
5167938 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 01:22:58 (UTC) 448,176.33 5.000000 7,170,821 14,134,772 197.12
5167866 Confirmed anonymous 11/07 00:04:52 (UTC) 539,009.28 5.000000 8,624,149 20,028,821 232.24
5167762 Confirmed anonymous 10/07 22:14:54 (UTC) 446,792.39 5.000000 7,148,678 7,301,667 102.14
5167727 Confirmed anonymous 10/07 21:34:43 (UTC) 633,873.54 5.052316 10,141,977 10,781,823 106.31
Totals 181,179,493 170,536,984 94.13
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.