Block Shares

Block Shares
5090159 5090195 5090209 5090230 5090242 5090316 5090327 5090331 5090385 5090432 5090495 5090544 5090573 5090574 5090627 5090656 5090669 5090683 5090691 5090903
Expected 8146281 12790215 14602519 11912477 9756690 7511991 8626741 8392786 6569441 6319279 9789473 9555824 8428380 7822983 9180536 8974855 8402696 8702860 7532454 10803563
Actual 2063130 7560376 3017003 5593244 4796260 17538619 2930265 907001 13876975 11466107 14071983 12964726 7200242 212299 11591505 8334437 2887605 3610752 2179334 49302001
Average 9059864 9586752 8278154 8429930 8638494 8878484 8268739 8148359 7258490 6974898 8175783 8716218 9134542 8596448 9275972 8355554 8351288 8621663 7451899 11235488

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,633,211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 483,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5090903 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 19:47:12 (UTC) 675,222.71 5.000000 10,803,563 49,302,001 456.35
5090691 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 16:12:50 (UTC) 470,778.36 5.000000 7,532,454 2,179,334 28.93
5090683 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 16:03:14 (UTC) 543,928.75 5.000000 8,702,860 3,610,752 41.49
5090669 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 15:47:26 (UTC) 525,168.49 5.000000 8,402,696 2,887,605 34.37
5090656 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 15:35:13 (UTC) 560,928.41 5.000044 8,974,855 8,334,437 92.86
5090627 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 14:59:32 (UTC) 573,783.50 5.000000 9,180,536 11,591,505 126.26
5090574 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 14:09:52 (UTC) 488,936.44 5.000000 7,822,983 212,299 2.71
5090573 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 14:09:01 (UTC) 526,773.77 5.000056 8,428,380 7,200,242 85.43
5090544 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 13:38:03 (UTC) 597,238.97 5.000000 9,555,824 12,964,726 135.67
5090495 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 12:42:30 (UTC) 611,842.05 5.000000 9,789,473 14,071,983 143.75
5090432 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 11:42:12 (UTC) 394,954.92 5.000000 6,319,279 11,466,107 181.45
5090385 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 10:52:54 (UTC) 410,590.04 5.000000 6,569,441 13,876,975 211.24
5090331 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 09:53:00 (UTC) 524,549.13 5.000000 8,392,786 907,001 10.81
5090327 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 09:49:00 (UTC) 539,171.31 5.000000 8,626,741 2,930,265 33.97
5090316 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 09:36:14 (UTC) 469,499.41 5.000000 7,511,991 17,538,619 233.47
5090242 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 08:20:40 (UTC) 609,793.15 5.000000 9,756,690 4,796,260 49.16
5090230 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 08:00:11 (UTC) 744,529.83 5.000000 11,912,477 5,593,244 46.95
5090209 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 07:36:19 (UTC) 912,657.44 5.000000 14,602,519 3,017,003 20.66
5090195 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 07:23:19 (UTC) 799,388.44 5.000681 12,790,215 7,560,376 59.11
5090159 Confirmed anonymous 15/05 06:50:42 (UTC) 509,142.54 5.000000 8,146,281 2,063,130 25.33
Totals 183,822,044 182,103,864 99.07
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.