Block Shares

Block Shares
5032649 5032909 5032984 5032993 5033004 5033214 5033258 5033273 5033278 5033302 5033503 5033650 5033661 5033709 5033821 5033849 5033978 5033990 5034103 5034144
Expected 10266352 10331765 8761657 10549736 17844307 9439076 5108819 5949521 6506084 8793061 8218118 8789485 9922422 5673610 8985072 11609735 8935282 8345312 8477616 8865634
Actual 25295745 46794965 14604456 915594 3079956 39038231 10152121 2968211 295655 4085576 38555122 26752304 2052411 10059106 20702987 4411627 25183074 2473962 21443300 7152412
Average 15912938 18128491 15217147 15223538 15363538 18382629 15349751 15478410 14757558 14723051 16048989 14044723 12789518 13703869 15466172 12003512 13506607 13457182 15571947 15878631

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,378,239 543080 542967 113 205,517.0804 1785423881285 1955702136076 109.54% 3059027.5820567 10.10%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 447,592.6772 7161483 9605977 134.13% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 37 37 0 489,296.0390 289663255 261297788 90.21% 185.13292762 2.57%
Last 7 Days 10,080 211 211 0 504,934.0353 1704657303 1809452603 106.15% 1056.33075108 2.09%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 858 858 0 504,452.3768 6925122228 7094478931 102.45% 4293.25689359 2.13%
Last 12 Month 483,840 7609 7608 1 548,607.5507 66780899935 103244189156 154.60% 38046.21472562 1.57%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5034144 Confirmed anonymous 04/04 09:42:22 (UTC) 554,102.11 5.000663 8,865,634 7,152,412 80.68
5034103 Confirmed anonymous 04/04 09:02:05 (UTC) 529,850.99 5.000000 8,477,616 21,443,300 252.94
5033990 Confirmed anonymous 04/04 07:01:39 (UTC) 521,582.00 5.000000 8,345,312 2,473,962 29.64
5033978 Confirmed anonymous 04/04 06:47:40 (UTC) 558,455.14 5.000000 8,935,282 25,183,074 281.84
5033849 Confirmed anonymous 04/04 04:27:29 (UTC) 725,608.42 5.000537 11,609,735 4,411,627 38.00
5033821 Confirmed anonymous 04/04 04:02:33 (UTC) 561,567.01 5.000000 8,985,072 20,702,987 230.42
5033709 Confirmed anonymous 04/04 02:08:17 (UTC) 354,600.61 5.000000 5,673,610 10,059,106 177.30
5033661 Confirmed anonymous 04/04 01:12:55 (UTC) 620,151.35 5.000000 9,922,422 2,052,411 20.68
5033650 Confirmed anonymous 04/04 01:01:35 (UTC) 549,342.83 5.000644 8,789,485 26,752,304 304.37
5033503 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 22:31:35 (UTC) 513,632.39 5.000000 8,218,118 38,555,122 469.15
5033302 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 18:57:47 (UTC) 549,566.34 5.000000 8,793,061 4,085,576 46.46
5033278 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 18:35:00 (UTC) 406,630.25 5.015691 6,506,084 295,655 4.54
5033273 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 18:33:22 (UTC) 371,845.04 5.000000 5,949,521 2,968,211 49.89
5033258 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 18:16:54 (UTC) 319,301.20 5.000000 5,108,819 10,152,121 198.72
5033214 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 17:20:43 (UTC) 589,942.26 5.000000 9,439,076 39,038,231 413.58
5033004 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 13:44:08 (UTC) 1,115,269.22 5.000759 17,844,307 3,079,956 17.26
5032993 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 13:27:16 (UTC) 659,358.53 5.000000 10,549,736 915,594 8.68
5032984 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 13:22:11 (UTC) 547,603.56 5.000000 8,761,657 14,604,456 166.69
5032909 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 12:00:17 (UTC) 645,735.34 5.000000 10,331,765 46,794,965 452.92
5032649 Confirmed anonymous 03/04 07:28:05 (UTC) 641,647.00 5.000000 10,266,352 25,295,745 246.39
Totals 181,372,664 306,016,815 168.72
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.