Block Shares

Block Shares
5030394 5030403 5030406 5030504 5030556 5030563 5030650 5030735 5030772 5030790 5030880 5030927 5031015 5031094 5031148 5031197 5031211 5031214 5031219 5031290
Expected 8155715 7687613 8497948 9122778 9128714 8918865 10400661 12563663 10111146 11738384 10821933 8854006 7480126 9037927 11847271 6860732 6235027 8037915 9049275 12992151
Actual 22509882 2218341 321687 18450694 10431168 1533608 16126223 16522299 7163371 2588232 17759271 10809561 16295803 15234931 9973714 10995520 2266772 212629 897637 12939991
Average 16055203 15986181 13821544 14603071 11388318 7784947 7779893 9331270 9718072 9786551 9311489 10170611 11768023 11446447 11400701 12346893 10960947 9329980 8703407 9738583

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,633,220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 483,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5031290 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 07:36:30 (UTC) 812,009.41 5.000000 12,992,151 12,939,991 99.60
5031219 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 06:26:58 (UTC) 565,579.70 5.000000 9,049,275 897,637 9.92
5031214 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 06:22:07 (UTC) 502,369.69 5.000000 8,037,915 212,629 2.65
5031211 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 06:20:58 (UTC) 389,689.21 5.000000 6,235,027 2,266,772 36.36
5031197 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 06:08:49 (UTC) 428,795.73 5.000000 6,860,732 10,995,520 160.27
5031148 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 05:09:46 (UTC) 740,454.42 5.000000 11,847,271 9,973,714 84.19
5031094 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 04:16:16 (UTC) 564,870.42 5.000000 9,037,927 15,234,931 168.57
5031015 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 02:54:42 (UTC) 467,507.88 5.000000 7,480,126 16,295,803 217.85
5030927 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 01:26:27 (UTC) 553,375.35 5.000000 8,854,006 10,809,561 122.09
5030880 Confirmed anonymous 02/04 00:27:48 (UTC) 676,370.80 5.000000 10,821,933 17,759,271 164.10
5030790 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 22:51:36 (UTC) 733,649.03 5.000000 11,738,384 2,588,232 22.05
5030772 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 22:37:26 (UTC) 631,946.62 5.000000 10,111,146 7,163,371 70.85
5030735 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 21:58:17 (UTC) 785,228.95 5.000226 12,563,663 16,522,299 131.51
5030650 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 20:28:22 (UTC) 650,041.33 5.000000 10,400,661 16,126,223 155.05
5030563 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 19:00:43 (UTC) 557,429.08 5.000000 8,918,865 1,533,608 17.20
5030556 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 18:52:28 (UTC) 570,544.63 5.000374 9,128,714 10,431,168 114.27
5030504 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 17:55:42 (UTC) 570,173.61 5.000000 9,122,778 18,450,694 202.25
5030406 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 16:15:20 (UTC) 531,121.78 5.000000 8,497,948 321,687 3.79
5030403 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 16:13:36 (UTC) 480,475.79 5.000000 7,687,613 2,218,341 28.86
5030394 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 16:01:30 (UTC) 509,732.18 5.000000 8,155,715 22,509,882 276.00
Totals 187,541,850 195,251,334 104.11
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.