Block Shares

Block Shares
4962993 4963681 4963784 4964088 4966301 4968957 4969388 4969837 4970314 4976381 4976950 4978208 4979660 4979769 4981497 4983534 4984361 4984759 4984819 4984913
Expected 8428344 7705668 10541986 7304343 6035969 9462080 13750830 8600403 15022012 10254772 10592621 11246749 7568112 10900617 14354726 6287609 13287800 7249150 9028103 11505754
Actual 2980329 3427475 499136 1553258 6554258 13509943 2125384 2241788 2359578 37601415 4177588 9308733 10779551 737648 12789683 14365427 8253714 12906777 7359661 10911678
Average 100005628 93419024 65245103 58067463 32278559 15348396 10745471 4431605 4093330 7285256 7404982 7993108 9021150 8939589 9563131 9648680 10261513 11328011 11828020 9159046

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,378,580 543090 542977 113 205,521.2817 1785493263256 1955756937245 109.54% 3059077.694675 10.10%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 33 33 0 458,619.1987 242150937 253059584 104.50% 165.24554601 2.29%
Last 7 Days 10,080 215 215 0 501,664.6747 1725726481 1791249023 103.80% 1076.44336947 2.13%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 862 862 0 503,625.7227 6946005967 7080490895 101.94% 4313.36951198 2.14%
Last 12 Month 483,840 7603 7602 1 548,511.9128 66716600972 103195621701 154.68% 38016.32727383 1.57%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4984913 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 11:16:03 (UTC) 719,109.60 5.000000 11,505,754 10,911,678 94.84
4984819 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 09:41:46 (UTC) 564,256.43 5.000000 9,028,103 7,359,661 81.52
4984759 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 08:40:45 (UTC) 453,071.86 5.000000 7,249,150 12,906,777 178.05
4984361 Confirmed anonymous 28/02 01:38:10 (UTC) 830,487.49 5.000000 13,287,800 8,253,714 62.11
4983534 Confirmed anonymous 27/02 11:14:35 (UTC) 392,975.53 5.000000 6,287,609 14,365,427 228.47
4981497 Confirmed anonymous 25/02 23:25:03 (UTC) 897,170.37 5.000000 14,354,726 12,789,683 89.10
4979769 Confirmed anonymous 24/02 17:11:08 (UTC) 681,288.58 5.000000 10,900,617 737,648 6.77
4979660 Confirmed anonymous 24/02 15:25:22 (UTC) 473,007.01 5.000000 7,568,112 10,779,551 142.43
4978208 Confirmed anonymous 23/02 13:49:44 (UTC) 702,921.82 5.000000 11,246,749 9,308,733 82.77
4976950 Confirmed anonymous 22/02 15:46:01 (UTC) 662,038.81 5.000000 10,592,621 4,177,588 39.44
4976381 Confirmed anonymous 22/02 05:48:30 (UTC) 640,923.24 5.000000 10,254,772 37,601,415 366.67
4970314 Confirmed anonymous 17/02 19:32:33 (UTC) 938,875.74 5.000000 15,022,012 2,359,578 15.71
4969837 Confirmed anonymous 17/02 11:17:39 (UTC) 537,525.18 5.000000 8,600,403 2,241,788 26.07
4969388 Confirmed anonymous 17/02 03:20:51 (UTC) 859,426.85 5.000000 13,750,830 2,125,384 15.46
4968957 Confirmed anonymous 16/02 19:51:02 (UTC) 591,379.98 5.000000 9,462,080 13,509,943 142.78
4966301 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 21:28:15 (UTC) 377,248.09 5.000000 6,035,969 6,554,258 108.59
4964088 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 06:40:31 (UTC) 456,521.42 5.000000 7,304,343 1,553,258 21.26
4963784 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 01:19:31 (UTC) 658,874.11 5.000000 10,541,986 499,136 4.73
4963681 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 23:33:27 (UTC) 481,604.27 5.000000 7,705,668 3,427,475 44.48
4962993 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 11:31:24 (UTC) 526,771.50 5.000269 8,428,344 2,980,329 35.36
Totals 199,127,648 164,443,024 82.58
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.