Block Shares

Block Shares
4920909 4921887 4922336 4922679 4923320 4924149 4924185 4925896 4925933 4926105 4927095 4927234 4927709 4928087 4929398 4929475 4932490 4932673 4934629 4935530
Expected 11708688 9343805 12168502 15854931 9282046 7943678 8137226 10373211 14128363 8168276 8602375 8105485 6332607 9722729 8228162 7752804 12719157 11042882 7575021 8606761
Actual 72683943 229293382 100129633 71665568 141648581 172136524 5652544 315601601 8831552 38034049 118218493 8208898 34636023 28564122 173771387 18860342 676662148 42711505 445996811 211940994
Average 73212642 91324303 94682342 99911190 113194360 124091497 119511557 134434390 128980587 115567738 120121193 98012744 91463383 87153239 90365519 75037901 142138862 114849852 158566378 175957072

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,377,937 543072 542959 113 205,513.0602 1785362650125 1955642012646 109.54% 3058987.450095 10.10%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 515,072.0053 8241152 3540746 42.96% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 40 40 0 491,182.5560 314356836 270982605 86.20% 200.000966 2.78%
Last 7 Days 10,080 205 205 0 505,606.0634 1658387888 1798847464 108.47% 1026.19878946 2.03%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 857 857 0 504,920.0247 6923463379 7073647919 102.17% 4288.22406356 2.13%
Last 12 Month 483,840 7611 7610 1 548,725.9505 66812871727 103265073817 154.56% 38056.08489209 1.57%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4935530 Confirmed anonymous 23/01 10:32:21 (UTC) 537,922.54 5.000000 8,606,761 211,940,994 2,462.49
4934629 Confirmed anonymous 22/01 18:45:23 (UTC) 473,438.80 5.000000 7,575,021 445,996,811 5,887.73
4932673 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 08:28:02 (UTC) 690,180.09 5.000000 11,042,882 42,711,505 386.78
4932490 Confirmed anonymous 21/01 05:12:49 (UTC) 794,947.34 5.000000 12,719,157 676,662,148 5,320.02
4929475 Confirmed anonymous 19/01 00:30:15 (UTC) 484,550.22 5.000000 7,752,804 18,860,342 243.27
4929398 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 23:05:21 (UTC) 514,260.13 5.000000 8,228,162 173,771,387 2,111.91
4928087 Confirmed anonymous 18/01 00:07:14 (UTC) 607,670.59 5.000000 9,722,729 28,564,122 293.79
4927709 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 17:34:31 (UTC) 395,787.91 5.000000 6,332,607 34,636,023 546.95
4927234 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 09:12:55 (UTC) 506,592.81 5.000000 8,105,485 8,208,898 101.28
4927095 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 06:45:03 (UTC) 537,648.45 5.000000 8,602,375 118,218,493 1,374.25
4926105 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 13:29:45 (UTC) 510,517.24 5.000000 8,168,276 38,034,049 465.63
4925933 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 10:27:04 (UTC) 883,022.72 5.000451 14,128,363 8,831,552 62.51
4925896 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 09:47:16 (UTC) 648,325.67 5.000000 10,373,211 315,601,601 3,042.47
4924185 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 03:55:11 (UTC) 508,576.62 5.000000 8,137,226 5,652,544 69.47
4924149 Confirmed anonymous 15/01 03:19:24 (UTC) 496,479.85 5.000000 7,943,678 172,136,524 2,166.96
4923320 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 12:40:52 (UTC) 580,127.85 5.000000 9,282,046 141,648,581 1,526.05
4922679 Confirmed anonymous 14/01 01:22:57 (UTC) 990,933.17 5.000000 15,854,931 71,665,568 452.01
4922336 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 19:25:07 (UTC) 760,531.35 5.000000 12,168,502 100,129,633 822.86
4921887 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 11:36:37 (UTC) 583,987.80 5.000000 9,343,805 229,293,382 2,453.96
4920909 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 18:28:07 (UTC) 731,793.01 5.000000 11,708,688 72,683,943 620.77
Totals 195,796,709 2,915,248,100 1,488.92
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.