Block Shares

Block Shares
4845282 4845436 4845522 4845758 4845967 4845991 4846198 4846625 4846627 4846782 4846967 4847002 4847038 4847073 4847849 4847960 4847962 4848161 4848267 4848552
Expected 11185543 7856772 8385145 11305693 9891847 9432279 10690198 9971363 9584792 6279914 9813096 7673683 9374172 9385985 7301090 7477258 7677387 9326724 9509515 10273588
Actual 509960 30222008 3869260 39459049 36159839 4350784 35051337 82651848 135363 28968948 31301474 7196802 6093549 6865604 139535588 17253124 86272 35160991 29618262 78796622
Average 49179754 28815750 27638617 29508693 30144769 23958129 18496530 24949851 24775916 26137840 29216991 26914470 27136899 23877555 34215130 35505364 32008857 27259772 30208061 35190829

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,633,218 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 483,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4848552 Confirmed anonymous 20/11 23:10:51 (UTC) 642,099.28 5.014300 10,273,588 78,796,622 766.98
4848267 Confirmed anonymous 20/11 18:11:16 (UTC) 594,344.67 5.000000 9,509,515 29,618,262 311.46
4848161 Confirmed anonymous 20/11 16:19:28 (UTC) 582,920.25 5.000000 9,326,724 35,160,991 376.99
4847962 Confirmed anonymous 20/11 12:54:08 (UTC) 479,836.66 5.000000 7,677,387 86,272 1.12
4847960 Confirmed anonymous 20/11 12:53:18 (UTC) 467,328.64 5.000000 7,477,258 17,253,124 230.74
4847849 Confirmed anonymous 20/11 10:58:52 (UTC) 456,318.12 5.000109 7,301,090 139,535,588 1,911.16
4847073 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 21:20:50 (UTC) 586,624.08 5.000115 9,385,985 6,865,604 73.15
4847038 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 20:42:45 (UTC) 585,885.74 5.000000 9,374,172 6,093,549 65.00
4847002 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 20:09:08 (UTC) 479,605.17 5.000000 7,673,683 7,196,802 93.79
4846967 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 19:28:08 (UTC) 613,318.50 5.000000 9,813,096 31,301,474 318.98
4846782 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 16:20:42 (UTC) 392,494.64 5.000000 6,279,914 28,968,948 461.30
4846627 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 13:33:26 (UTC) 599,049.50 5.000109 9,584,792 135,363 1.41
4846625 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 13:32:45 (UTC) 623,210.20 5.000000 9,971,363 82,651,848 828.89
4846198 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 06:00:11 (UTC) 668,137.36 5.000000 10,690,198 35,051,337 327.88
4845991 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 02:25:07 (UTC) 589,517.45 5.000000 9,432,279 4,350,784 46.13
4845967 Confirmed anonymous 19/11 01:57:39 (UTC) 618,240.43 5.000000 9,891,847 36,159,839 365.55
4845758 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 22:19:07 (UTC) 706,605.78 5.000000 11,305,693 39,459,049 349.02
4845522 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 18:10:50 (UTC) 524,071.59 5.000000 8,385,145 3,869,260 46.14
4845436 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 16:44:12 (UTC) 491,048.25 5.000000 7,856,772 30,222,008 384.66
4845282 Confirmed anonymous 18/11 13:59:18 (UTC) 699,096.45 5.000165 11,185,543 509,960 4.56
Totals 182,396,044 613,286,684 336.24
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.