Block Shares

Block Shares
4527951 4527963 4527985 4527989 4528003 4528005 4528016 4528033 4528035 4528041 4528049 4528077 4528078 4528108 4528112 4528117 4528119 4528123 4528137 4528144
Expected 7516507 8004407 5393969 4933259 5526506 5577462 4863014 6527739 7497913 6355145 7649342 9033230 8772064 9323476 9555922 8268856 7671835 7883301 6206243 7397844
Actual 990915 3830992 10155204 1402763 7109368 692444 3841425 5711547 652299 3287749 1285209 11555254 2391600 9770241 1186387 2403575 1271522 2090727 5341594 1389193
Average 13364938 12933230 13219516 10732827 11381759 10739632 10038611 7983729 6481438 3767471 3796900 4569326 3792966 4629714 4037416 4208529 3951538 3589456 4058386 3868530

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,377,887 543072 542959 113 205,513.0602 1785362650125 1955642012646 109.54% 3058987.450095 10.10%
Last Hour 60 3 3 0 406,860.7764 19529317 15650340 80.14% 15 5.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 40 40 0 491,182.5560 314356836 270982605 86.20% 200.000966 2.78%
Last 7 Days 10,080 205 205 0 505,606.0634 1658387888 1798847464 108.47% 1026.19878946 2.03%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 858 858 0 504,779.6409 6929614911 7080613490 102.18% 4293.22406356 2.13%
Last 12 Month 483,840 7614 7613 1 548,695.6786 66835523217 103276674838 154.52% 38071.08494371 1.57%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4528144 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 03:26:30 (UTC) 462,365.25 5.016675 7,397,844 1,389,193 18.78
4528137 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 03:22:36 (UTC) 387,890.17 5.000000 6,206,243 5,341,594 86.07
4528123 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 03:08:12 (UTC) 492,706.32 5.000287 7,883,301 2,090,727 26.52
4528119 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 03:02:33 (UTC) 479,489.72 5.000000 7,671,835 1,271,522 16.57
4528117 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 02:59:05 (UTC) 516,803.53 5.000000 8,268,856 2,403,575 29.07
4528112 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 02:52:41 (UTC) 597,245.14 5.000000 9,555,922 1,186,387 12.42
4528108 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 02:49:32 (UTC) 582,717.28 5.000052 9,323,476 9,770,241 104.79
4528078 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 02:23:37 (UTC) 548,253.98 5.000076 8,772,064 2,391,600 27.26
4528077 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 02:17:30 (UTC) 564,576.88 5.000000 9,033,230 11,555,254 127.92
4528049 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 01:47:06 (UTC) 478,083.85 5.000000 7,649,342 1,285,209 16.80
4528041 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 01:43:34 (UTC) 397,196.55 5.000000 6,355,145 3,287,749 51.73
4528035 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 01:34:59 (UTC) 468,619.54 5.000000 7,497,913 652,299 8.70
4528033 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 01:33:12 (UTC) 407,983.70 5.000000 6,527,739 5,711,547 87.50
4528016 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 01:18:01 (UTC) 303,938.35 5.000000 4,863,014 3,841,425 78.99
4528005 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 01:07:51 (UTC) 348,591.38 5.000000 5,577,462 692,444 12.42
4528003 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 01:06:03 (UTC) 345,406.60 5.000000 5,526,506 7,109,368 128.64
4527989 Confirmed mamustsm 01/04 00:47:19 (UTC) 308,328.69 5.000000 4,933,259 1,402,763 28.43
4527985 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 00:43:36 (UTC) 337,123.07 5.000000 5,393,969 10,155,204 188.27
4527963 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 00:16:57 (UTC) 500,275.44 5.000000 8,004,407 3,830,992 47.86
4527951 Confirmed anonymous 01/04 00:06:48 (UTC) 469,781.66 5.000000 7,516,507 990,915 13.18
Totals 143,958,034 76,360,008 53.04
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.