Block Shares

Block Shares
3441618 3441712 3441914 3441945 3441993 3442184 3442206 3442295 3442360 3442396 3442483 3442606 3442665 3443227 3443238 3443298 3443373 3443574 3443717 3443781
Expected 14298513 15406788 19860997 12303305 21301796 20528427 16919275 17414775 18381476 12932115 19254042 19506154 21768942 14916558 16524734 11839146 17005171 23045224 16332866 14387539
Actual 690187 20404734 42365573 7740172 8802214 39306597 6573131 18327798 13521290 7954531 17543789 25272789 11331987 114909758 1968802 13403505 14674026 44888825 31180418 14424846
Average 31073443 19794884 22128356 20068948 17624022 21204122 18304036 20097327 18329090 16568623 18253983 18740788 15637430 26354388 25671047 23080738 23890828 26546930 28312843 28959875

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,280,312 541041 540928 113 204,301.1066 1768195023739 1937813093698 109.59% 3048829.1578847 10.25%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 38 38 0 581,104.6790 353311645 296564089 83.94% 190 2.64%
Last 7 Days 10,080 241 241 0 571,852.0163 2205061375 2157100433 97.82% 1205.00367123 2.39%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 997 997 0 573,520.9482 9148806165 8967903542 98.02% 4985.03162401 2.47%
Last 12 Month 483,840 8680 8678 2 523,855.1937 72736245933 108058806973 148.56% 43393.17060194 1.79%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3443781 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 16:34:23 (UTC) 899,221.20 5.000000 14,387,539 14,424,846 100.26
3443717 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 15:22:36 (UTC) 1,020,804.12 5.000000 16,332,866 31,180,418 190.91
3443574 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 12:47:08 (UTC) 1,440,326.52 5.000000 23,045,224 44,888,825 194.79
3443373 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 09:19:18 (UTC) 1,062,823.20 5.000000 17,005,171 14,674,026 86.29
3443298 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 08:05:30 (UTC) 739,946.64 5.000000 11,839,146 13,403,505 113.21
3443238 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 06:58:24 (UTC) 1,032,795.86 5.000033 16,524,734 1,968,802 11.91
3443227 Confirmed anonymous 29/01 06:48:29 (UTC) 932,284.89 5.000000 14,916,558 114,909,758 770.35
3442665 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 20:53:10 (UTC) 1,360,558.89 5.000000 21,768,942 11,331,987 52.06
3442606 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 19:54:28 (UTC) 1,219,134.63 5.000000 19,506,154 25,272,789 129.56
3442483 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 17:45:55 (UTC) 1,203,377.63 5.000000 19,254,042 17,543,789 91.12
3442396 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 16:18:01 (UTC) 808,257.16 5.000000 12,932,115 7,954,531 61.51
3442360 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 15:37:24 (UTC) 1,148,842.22 5.000000 18,381,476 13,521,290 73.56
3442295 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 14:29:20 (UTC) 1,088,423.41 5.000000 17,414,775 18,327,798 105.24
3442206 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 12:57:33 (UTC) 1,057,454.68 5.000000 16,919,275 6,573,131 38.85
3442184 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 12:28:47 (UTC) 1,283,026.69 5.000000 20,528,427 39,306,597 191.47
3441993 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 09:11:35 (UTC) 1,331,362.23 5.000000 21,301,796 8,802,214 41.32
3441945 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 08:27:11 (UTC) 768,956.56 5.000000 12,303,305 7,740,172 62.91
3441914 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 07:48:40 (UTC) 1,241,312.30 5.000000 19,860,997 42,365,573 213.31
3441712 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 04:18:09 (UTC) 962,924.26 5.000000 15,406,788 20,404,734 132.44
3441618 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 02:37:10 (UTC) 893,657.04 5.000000 14,298,513 690,187 4.83
Totals 343,927,843 455,284,972 132.38
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.