Block Shares

Block Shares
1848134 1848137 1848138 1848142 1848144 1848147 1848149 1848151 1848157 1848160 1848166 1848170 1848182 1848183 1848186 1848187 1848188 1848190 1848194 1848204
Expected 21606 19226 16961 16932 19981 21045 26375 25858 13725 13847 14924 13934 23914 24402 21992 24961 24444 23904 27212 20061
Actual 93202 60814 10248 11543 6400 14579 5651 67284 55578 16250 21381 11269 62980 6080 16849 9264 3901 11804 25359 96275
Average 17316 22358 22551 23704 24290 25280 25429 32105 36277 34155 26973 22018 27292 26745 27790 27259 27084 21536 18514 26516

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,258,379 540503 540390 113 203,937.2920 1763290771994 1933021331958 109.63% 3046139.1402088 10.28%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 852,279.9666 13636479 24210945 177.55% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 25 25 0 589,640.6442 235856258 321564820 136.34% 125.00004358 1.74%
Last 7 Days 10,080 254 254 0 570,259.2628 2317533644 2273948908 98.12% 1270.00558852 2.52%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 1000 1000 0 591,388.9071 9462222514 9061975851 95.77% 5000.04259717 2.48%
Last 12 Month 483,840 8995 8993 2 516,034.9926 74251243016 109531614202 147.51% 44968.23593835 1.86%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1848204 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 23:12:53 (UTC) 1,253.81 5.066956 20,061 96,275 479.91
1848194 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:54:35 (UTC) 1,700.78 5.000000 27,212 25,359 93.19
1848190 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:50:29 (UTC) 1,494.01 5.000000 23,904 11,804 49.38
1848188 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:49:31 (UTC) 1,527.74 5.000000 24,444 3,901 15.96
1848187 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:48:59 (UTC) 1,560.06 5.000127 24,961 9,264 37.11
1848186 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:48:50 (UTC) 1,374.50 5.000000 21,992 16,849 76.61
1848183 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:44:55 (UTC) 1,525.13 5.000000 24,402 6,080 24.92
1848182 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:44:39 (UTC) 1,494.60 5.000000 23,914 62,980 263.36
1848170 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:34:21 (UTC) 870.87 5.037423 13,934 11,269 80.87
1848166 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:32:06 (UTC) 932.72 5.000000 14,924 21,381 143.27
1848160 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:28:45 (UTC) 865.44 5.000000 13,847 16,250 117.35
1848157 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:25:35 (UTC) 857.79 5.000000 13,725 55,578 404.94
1848151 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:15:41 (UTC) 1,616.11 5.081575 25,858 67,284 260.21
1848149 Confirmed maximpolyarniy 21/11 22:07:10 (UTC) 1,648.41 5.082194 26,375 5,651 21.43
1848147 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:06:13 (UTC) 1,315.33 5.000000 21,045 14,579 69.28
1848144 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:04:55 (UTC) 1,248.79 5.000000 19,981 6,400 32.03
1848142 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:04:20 (UTC) 1,058.24 5.000000 16,932 11,543 68.17
1848138 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:03:00 (UTC) 1,060.09 5.000000 16,961 10,248 60.42
1848137 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 22:01:15 (UTC) 1,201.61 5.000037 19,226 60,814 316.31
1848134 Confirmed anonymous 21/11 21:54:31 (UTC) 1,350.37 5.000023 21,606 93,202 431.37
Totals 415,304 606,711 146.09
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.