Block Shares

Block Shares
1793571 1793572 1793574 1793575 1793579 1793583 1793585 1793587 1793588 1793590 1793591 1793593 1793594 1793596 1793597 1793598 1793599 1793602 1793603 1793608
Expected 4305 4273 4609 4695 5664 5714 6070 7234 7436 10263 9475 8929 7830 6766 7012 7111 7336 5754 5314 4731
Actual 702 1284 2293 1692 4907 10920 2867 547 1381 6298 84 15202 11020 1196 855 763 255 32017 2742 17386
Average 4833 4510 3268 3276 3733 4528 4246 2987 3031 3289 3227 4619 5492 5442 5037 4021 3760 6907 7043 8152

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,256,651 540467 540354 113 203,912.9178 1762962572638 1932630340123 109.62% 3045959.1401652 10.28%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 632,368.2319 10117892 30266123 299.13% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 32 32 0 584,945.5844 299492139 318914230 106.49% 160.00168477 2.22%
Last 7 Days 10,080 259 259 0 574,148.2400 2379270307 2266510845 95.26% 1295.0057701 2.57%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 1003 1003 0 593,129.2441 9518538110 9053128665 95.11% 5015.04294383 2.49%
Last 12 Month 483,840 9053 9051 2 515,302.4301 74624036719 109858718801 147.22% 45258.24156663 1.87%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1793608 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:50:37 (UTC) 295.72 5.000000 4,731 17,386 367.49
1793603 Confirmed PHARAON 12/10 22:43:26 (UTC) 332.14 5.000000 5,314 2,742 51.60
1793602 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:41:49 (UTC) 359.60 5.000000 5,754 32,017 556.43
1793599 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:29:36 (UTC) 458.47 5.000075 7,336 255 3.48
1793598 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:29:18 (UTC) 444.42 5.000097 7,111 763 10.73
1793597 Confirmed PHARAON 12/10 22:29:01 (UTC) 438.24 5.000000 7,012 855 12.19
1793596 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:28:38 (UTC) 422.85 5.000000 6,766 1,196 17.68
1793594 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:28:09 (UTC) 489.40 5.081760 7,830 11,020 140.74
1793593 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:23:47 (UTC) 558.07 5.000000 8,929 15,202 170.25
1793591 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:19:03 (UTC) 592.18 5.000000 9,475 84 0.89
1793590 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:18:14 (UTC) 641.41 5.000045 10,263 6,298 61.37
1793588 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:16:16 (UTC) 464.74 5.000000 7,436 1,381 18.57
1793587 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:16:03 (UTC) 452.11 5.000000 7,234 547 7.56
1793585 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:15:45 (UTC) 379.35 5.000000 6,070 2,867 47.23
1793583 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:14:36 (UTC) 357.13 5.000000 5,714 10,920 191.11
1793579 Confirmed PHARAON 12/10 22:10:17 (UTC) 354.00 5.066923 5,664 4,907 86.63
1793575 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:07:53 (UTC) 293.42 5.000000 4,695 1,692 36.04
1793574 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:07:22 (UTC) 288.06 5.000000 4,609 2,293 49.75
1793572 Confirmed anonymous 12/10 22:06:41 (UTC) 267.04 5.000000 4,273 1,284 30.05
1793571 Confirmed PHARAON 12/10 22:06:26 (UTC) 269.08 5.000804 4,305 702 16.31
Totals 130,521 114,411 87.66
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.