Block Shares

Block Shares
5452409 5452416 5452433 5452576 5452578 5452613 5452668 5452687 5452793 5452954 5453010 5453045 5453057 5453069 5453089 5453170 5453225 5453261 5453368 5453369
Expected 5755501 7330344 7497114 9524817 9285034 4653378 14575744 7064619 6650473 10758872 15686439 8838019 6361757 5918480 5942007 8603124 11122116 6141563 8232640 7833168
Actual 39245823 1363013 2735867 26304250 414754 7571697 7931703 5769763 19255516 29208440 9369321 8080735 3272719 1450623 3869196 14220000 9575650 7660503 19721492 72192
Average 14599864 13710614 13599258 16077431 14916492 15179564 15141348 13297595 14824230 13980083 10992432 11664205 11717890 9232527 9577971 10242802 10407196 10596270 10642868 7729243

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,662,511 550060 549947 113 208,913.3457 1838260283218 2009165466013 109.30% 3093931.3541133 9.71%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 650,392.7814 10406285 12644082 121.50% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 28 28 0 509,214.6262 228128153 250558768 109.83% 140.01211342 1.94%
Last 7 Days 10,080 205 205 0 524,743.0711 1721157273 1773356637 103.03% 1025.04583058 2.03%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 831 831 0 509,991.3110 6780844471 7436336408 109.67% 4155.77353348 2.06%
Last 12 Month 483,840 11245 11245 0 505,614.8810 90970229389 92170122937 101.32% 56232.37901111 2.32%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5453369 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 08:43:39 (UTC) 489,573.03 5.000000 7,833,168 72,192 0.92
5453368 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 08:43:16 (UTC) 514,540.02 5.001112 8,232,640 19,721,492 239.55
5453261 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 06:51:22 (UTC) 383,847.69 5.000000 6,141,563 7,660,503 124.73
5453225 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 06:08:03 (UTC) 695,132.25 5.000000 11,122,116 9,575,650 86.10
5453170 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 05:13:36 (UTC) 537,695.25 5.000000 8,603,124 14,220,000 165.29
5453089 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 03:52:58 (UTC) 371,375.43 5.000000 5,942,007 3,869,196 65.12
5453069 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 03:31:10 (UTC) 369,904.99 5.000000 5,918,480 1,450,623 24.51
5453057 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 03:22:55 (UTC) 397,609.79 5.000000 6,361,757 3,272,719 51.44
5453045 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 03:04:26 (UTC) 552,376.18 5.000995 8,838,019 8,080,735 91.43
5453010 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 02:18:37 (UTC) 980,402.43 5.000000 15,686,439 9,369,321 59.73
5452954 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 01:25:19 (UTC) 672,429.50 5.000000 10,758,872 29,208,440 271.48
5452793 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 22:39:32 (UTC) 415,654.56 5.000000 6,650,473 19,255,516 289.54
5452687 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 20:50:31 (UTC) 441,538.66 5.000000 7,064,619 5,769,763 81.67
5452668 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 20:18:10 (UTC) 910,984.02 5.000000 14,575,744 7,931,703 54.42
5452613 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 19:33:04 (UTC) 290,836.11 5.000000 4,653,378 7,571,697 162.71
5452578 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 18:50:09 (UTC) 580,314.63 5.000000 9,285,034 414,754 4.47
5452576 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 18:47:47 (UTC) 595,301.05 5.000000 9,524,817 26,304,250 276.17
5452433 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 16:18:41 (UTC) 468,569.61 5.000752 7,497,114 2,735,867 36.49
5452416 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 16:03:00 (UTC) 458,146.53 5.000000 7,330,344 1,363,013 18.59
5452409 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 15:55:24 (UTC) 359,718.78 5.000000 5,755,501 39,245,823 681.88
Totals 167,775,209 217,093,257 129.40
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.