Block Shares

Block Shares
5420453 5420576 5420624 5420670 5420726 5420801 5420947 5420965 5421055 5421070 5421267 5421289 5421292 5421307 5421355 5421392 5421418 5421426 5421476 5421487
Expected 8438067 7569910 4824838 10400753 6731878 7291050 6896995 7185105 9224584 8824289 8951782 11422982 9521847 5303537 7056072 7601392 9021431 8211835 8383471 8372304
Actual 1676733 23535712 9508942 7354273 11466960 13568139 27910050 1995004 17188992 3623639 36244310 3353736 1095949 4570911 7643311 7038403 4481629 2059722 8936860 2109224
Average 5646928 7655398 7970230 8647408 9478181 10701178 13181065 11176828 11875936 11782844 15239602 13221405 12380105 12101769 11719404 11066431 8723588 8730060 7904847 7753406

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,633,131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 483,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5421487 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 02:14:26 (UTC) 523,268.97 5.000000 8,372,304 2,109,224 25.19
5421476 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 02:02:33 (UTC) 523,966.94 5.000000 8,383,471 8,936,860 106.60
5421426 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 01:12:38 (UTC) 513,239.66 5.000110 8,211,835 2,059,722 25.08
5421418 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 01:01:02 (UTC) 563,839.47 5.001113 9,021,431 4,481,629 49.68
5421392 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 00:36:01 (UTC) 475,087.02 5.000000 7,601,392 7,038,403 92.59
5421355 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 23:56:26 (UTC) 441,004.53 5.000943 7,056,072 7,643,311 108.32
5421307 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 23:13:18 (UTC) 331,471.07 5.000000 5,303,537 4,570,911 86.19
5421292 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 22:47:45 (UTC) 595,115.46 5.000000 9,521,847 1,095,949 11.51
5421289 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 22:41:38 (UTC) 713,936.37 5.000000 11,422,982 3,353,736 29.36
5421267 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 22:22:49 (UTC) 559,486.41 5.000000 8,951,782 36,244,310 404.88
5421070 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 18:59:04 (UTC) 551,518.07 5.005971 8,824,289 3,623,639 41.06
5421055 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 18:38:43 (UTC) 576,536.48 5.000000 9,224,584 17,188,992 186.34
5420965 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 17:02:07 (UTC) 449,069.06 5.000000 7,185,105 1,995,004 27.77
5420947 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 16:50:46 (UTC) 431,062.21 5.000482 6,896,995 27,910,050 404.67
5420801 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 14:13:59 (UTC) 455,690.61 5.000000 7,291,050 13,568,139 186.09
5420726 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 12:57:44 (UTC) 420,742.35 5.000000 6,731,878 11,466,960 170.34
5420670 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 11:53:26 (UTC) 650,047.09 5.001914 10,400,753 7,354,273 70.71
5420624 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 11:12:05 (UTC) 301,552.35 5.000945 4,824,838 9,508,942 197.08
5420576 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 10:18:41 (UTC) 473,119.36 5.000000 7,569,910 23,535,712 310.91
5420453 Confirmed anonymous 11/01 08:06:19 (UTC) 527,379.17 5.000000 8,438,067 1,676,733 19.87
Totals 161,234,122 195,362,499 121.17
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.