Block Shares

Block Shares
5418380 5418402 5418460 5418493 5418519 5418544 5418619 5418819 5418965 5418967 5418979 5419128 5419158 5419189 5419251 5419355 5419428 5419465 5419480 5419503
Expected 7357267 8111315 7562532 7390354 9592014 7150840 6738156 7408823 8721715 9040834 10402217 11989288 7816160 7409373 7846774 7856670 10034474 7224352 8973220 8153008
Actual 900104 4010673 10926610 6480131 4306443 5751350 12385285 28712181 19716601 135803 2075332 19774132 5249600 6040952 11571221 18890937 12971099 8125619 2653386 4358026
Average 5421701 4552071 5643227 5176342 5077269 4832478 5779898 8627000 9825431 9332518 9450041 11026387 10458686 10414768 11141246 12455204 12513786 10455130 8748808 9171030

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,633,119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 483,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5419503 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 15:30:00 (UTC) 509,563.03 5.000000 8,153,008 4,358,026 53.45
5419480 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 15:05:40 (UTC) 560,826.27 5.000000 8,973,220 2,653,386 29.57
5419465 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 14:50:53 (UTC) 451,521.98 5.000000 7,224,352 8,125,619 112.48
5419428 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 14:05:13 (UTC) 627,154.61 5.000690 10,034,474 12,971,099 129.27
5419355 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 12:52:20 (UTC) 491,041.89 5.000000 7,856,670 18,890,937 240.44
5419251 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 11:05:53 (UTC) 490,423.36 5.000000 7,846,774 11,571,221 147.46
5419189 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 10:01:07 (UTC) 463,085.78 5.000000 7,409,373 6,040,952 81.53
5419158 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 09:27:09 (UTC) 488,510.01 5.000000 7,816,160 5,249,600 67.16
5419128 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 08:50:08 (UTC) 749,330.47 5.000000 11,989,288 19,774,132 164.93
5418979 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 06:19:33 (UTC) 650,138.57 5.001262 10,402,217 2,075,332 19.95
5418967 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 06:04:00 (UTC) 565,052.15 5.000000 9,040,834 135,803 1.50
5418965 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 06:02:58 (UTC) 545,107.20 5.000000 8,721,715 19,716,601 226.06
5418819 Confirmed anonymous 10/01 03:35:00 (UTC) 463,051.46 5.000000 7,408,823 28,712,181 387.54
5418619 Confirmed anonymous 09/01 23:58:29 (UTC) 421,134.76 5.000000 6,738,156 12,385,285 183.81
5418544 Confirmed anonymous 09/01 22:42:54 (UTC) 446,927.51 5.000000 7,150,840 5,751,350 80.43
5418519 Confirmed anonymous 09/01 22:11:03 (UTC) 599,500.90 5.000000 9,592,014 4,306,443 44.90
5418493 Confirmed anonymous 09/01 21:47:02 (UTC) 461,897.13 5.000000 7,390,354 6,480,131 87.68
5418460 Confirmed anonymous 09/01 21:11:07 (UTC) 472,658.28 5.000000 7,562,532 10,926,610 144.48
5418402 Confirmed anonymous 09/01 20:10:23 (UTC) 506,957.20 5.000000 8,111,315 4,010,673 49.45
5418380 Confirmed anonymous 09/01 19:48:09 (UTC) 459,829.20 5.000000 7,357,267 900,104 12.23
Totals 166,779,386 185,035,485 110.95
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.