Block Shares

Block Shares
5321442 5321454 5321467 5321510 5321550 5321577 5321586 5321588 5321610 5321623 5321630 5321639 5321652 5321653 5321671 5321694 5321798 5321866 5321878 5322044
Expected 4326968 7143009 6585655 7758360 6422065 11532439 8431062 8071072 6095832 6925848 6184899 8502873 6264674 6539817 6255135 7208748 7921012 4652228 5014960 9133909
Actual 6552676 1424004 2359333 6996170 8063709 3239725 3002444 512123 5304404 1760219 1311199 1976026 2689241 87026 3118938 5280960 19507980 15832917 1283775 31711579
Average 4926260 5067438 4640661 3836213 4268269 4515045 4677498 4475583 4957648 3921481 3397333 3452535 3485526 2794612 2300135 2504258 4154812 5686891 5284828 8279964

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,662,512 550060 549947 113 208,913.3457 1838260283218 2009165466013 109.30% 3093931.3541133 9.71%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 650,392.7814 10406285 12644082 121.50% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 28 28 0 509,214.6262 228128153 250558768 109.83% 140.01211342 1.94%
Last 7 Days 10,080 205 205 0 524,743.0711 1721157273 1773356637 103.03% 1025.04583058 2.03%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 831 831 0 509,991.3110 6780844471 7436336408 109.67% 4155.77353348 2.06%
Last 12 Month 483,840 11245 11245 0 505,614.8810 90970229389 92170122937 101.32% 56232.37901111 2.32%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5322044 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 12:22:00 (UTC) 570,869.30 5.000000 9,133,909 31,711,579 347.19
5321878 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 09:34:08 (UTC) 313,434.99 5.000000 5,014,960 1,283,775 25.60
5321866 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 09:27:16 (UTC) 290,764.27 5.000000 4,652,228 15,832,917 340.33
5321798 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 08:03:33 (UTC) 495,063.24 5.000000 7,921,012 19,507,980 246.28
5321694 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 06:20:31 (UTC) 450,546.72 5.000000 7,208,748 5,280,960 73.26
5321671 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 05:52:55 (UTC) 390,945.96 5.000000 6,255,135 3,118,938 49.86
5321653 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 05:36:29 (UTC) 408,738.55 5.000000 6,539,817 87,026 1.33
5321652 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 05:36:02 (UTC) 391,542.10 5.000000 6,264,674 2,689,241 42.93
5321639 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 05:22:00 (UTC) 531,429.58 5.000000 8,502,873 1,976,026 23.24
5321630 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 05:11:45 (UTC) 386,556.17 5.002735 6,184,899 1,311,199 21.20
5321623 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 05:04:48 (UTC) 432,865.51 5.000000 6,925,848 1,760,219 25.42
5321610 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 04:55:26 (UTC) 380,989.47 5.000000 6,095,832 5,304,404 87.02
5321588 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 04:27:30 (UTC) 504,441.98 5.000000 8,071,072 512,123 6.35
5321586 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 04:24:47 (UTC) 526,941.40 5.000670 8,431,062 3,002,444 35.61
5321577 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 04:08:26 (UTC) 720,777.47 5.000000 11,532,439 3,239,725 28.09
5321550 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 03:48:53 (UTC) 401,379.06 5.000000 6,422,065 8,063,709 125.56
5321510 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 03:01:01 (UTC) 484,897.48 5.000000 7,758,360 6,996,170 90.18
5321467 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 02:19:08 (UTC) 411,603.43 5.000000 6,585,655 2,359,333 35.83
5321454 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 02:04:59 (UTC) 446,438.08 5.000000 7,143,009 1,424,004 19.94
5321442 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 01:56:26 (UTC) 270,435.53 5.000306 4,326,968 6,552,676 151.44
Totals 140,970,565 122,014,448 86.55
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.