Block Shares

Block Shares
5320732 5320787 5320789 5320884 5320900 5320964 5321087 5321088 5321154 5321166 5321167 5321210 5321287 5321310 5321315 5321321 5321336 5321339 5321407 5321442
Expected 5936789 6383588 6075839 8945928 8170749 6758402 8108605 7631979 8533395 8521899 8885404 11262554 6448981 7711722 6770752 6922801 7144390 7025145 5978405 4326968
Actual 9835123 9967484 251498 16196381 2746690 10961039 21313061 48456 10895737 2815837 12224 6627102 15040648 3743143 771974 1377910 2531270 483757 12121891 6552676
Average 5739558 5591102 5035053 6296138 6357973 6450729 8211955 7710052 8527965 8503131 7520841 7186803 8665718 7420394 7222922 6264609 4386430 4429960 4552576 4926260

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,532,827 546649 546536 113 207,109.2185 1811082301238 1981475088601 109.41% 3076874.8953708 9.88%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 439,898.0610 7038369 10371727 147.36% 5 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 38 38 0 477,713.6713 290449912 283785227 97.71% 190.10363019 2.64%
Last 7 Days 10,080 275 275 0 472,588.3577 2079388774 2095151794 100.76% 1375.15254278 2.73%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 946 946 0 467,023.0125 7068860317 6798052408 96.17% 4730.32571291 2.35%
Last 12 Month 483,840 8247 8247 0 513,044.3009 67697221597 81712529530 120.70% 41241.01289912 1.70%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5321442 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 01:56:26 (UTC) 270,435.53 5.000306 4,326,968 6,552,676 151.44
5321407 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 01:17:13 (UTC) 373,650.32 5.000000 5,978,405 12,121,891 202.76
5321339 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 00:05:15 (UTC) 439,071.54 5.000000 7,025,145 483,757 6.89
5321336 Confirmed anonymous 31/10 00:02:21 (UTC) 446,524.38 5.000000 7,144,390 2,531,270 35.43
5321321 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 23:47:20 (UTC) 432,675.07 5.000000 6,922,801 1,377,910 19.90
5321315 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 23:39:09 (UTC) 423,172.02 5.000000 6,770,752 771,974 11.40
5321310 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 23:34:31 (UTC) 481,982.60 5.000000 7,711,722 3,743,143 48.54
5321287 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 23:12:19 (UTC) 403,061.32 5.000000 6,448,981 15,040,648 233.23
5321210 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 21:42:29 (UTC) 703,909.61 5.001111 11,262,554 6,627,102 58.84
5321167 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 21:02:28 (UTC) 555,337.73 5.000000 8,885,404 12,224 0.14
5321166 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 21:02:22 (UTC) 532,618.68 5.000000 8,521,899 2,815,837 33.04
5321154 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 20:45:38 (UTC) 533,337.17 5.000000 8,533,395 10,895,737 127.68
5321088 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 19:39:58 (UTC) 476,998.69 5.000000 7,631,979 48,456 0.63
5321087 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 19:39:40 (UTC) 506,787.78 5.000000 8,108,605 21,313,061 262.84
5320964 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 17:31:26 (UTC) 422,400.12 5.000000 6,758,402 10,961,039 162.18
5320900 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 16:25:25 (UTC) 510,671.84 5.004255 8,170,749 2,746,690 33.62
5320884 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 16:09:01 (UTC) 559,120.52 5.000000 8,945,928 16,196,381 181.05
5320789 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 14:31:24 (UTC) 379,739.94 5.000000 6,075,839 251,498 4.14
5320787 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 14:29:55 (UTC) 398,974.26 5.000000 6,383,588 9,967,484 156.14
5320732 Confirmed anonymous 30/10 13:31:23 (UTC) 371,049.33 5.001116 5,936,789 9,835,123 165.66
Totals 147,544,295 134,293,901 91.02
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.