Block Shares

Block Shares
5280019 5280021 5280023 5280063 5280086 5280164 5280250 5280480 5280528 5280618 5280626 5280641 5280695 5280762 5280846 5280856 5280862 5280915 5281004 5281032
Expected 6646664 6487757 6179580 6566942 4350154 7937828 6019301 6160433 7026710 5952327 5206703 7527007 7195776 6091232 7195294 6749195 7872647 11285718 7000911 7279350
Actual 15355191 356867 115968 7912220 4412410 13776074 15879755 41811365 9461113 17014714 1038041 2226077 10294858 12398752 15272921 2190206 816790 8503220 17549143 4947303
Average 7163386 6002393 4938417 5670003 5779374 7097205 7818628 11326758 11956328 12609568 11177853 11364774 12382663 12831316 13917367 12758780 11252484 7921669 8730472 7523731

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,633,069 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 483,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5281032 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 13:46:20 (UTC) 454,959.37 5.000000 7,279,350 4,947,303 67.96
5281004 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 13:18:37 (UTC) 437,556.95 5.000000 7,000,911 17,549,143 250.67
5280915 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 11:37:09 (UTC) 705,357.37 5.000000 11,285,718 8,503,220 75.34
5280862 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 10:47:13 (UTC) 492,040.43 5.000000 7,872,647 816,790 10.38
5280856 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 10:42:27 (UTC) 421,824.67 5.000000 6,749,195 2,190,206 32.45
5280846 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 10:29:45 (UTC) 449,705.86 5.000000 7,195,294 15,272,921 212.26
5280762 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 09:03:01 (UTC) 380,702.02 5.000000 6,091,232 12,398,752 203.55
5280695 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 07:52:35 (UTC) 449,736.03 5.000000 7,195,776 10,294,858 143.07
5280641 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 06:53:54 (UTC) 470,437.94 5.000000 7,527,007 2,226,077 29.57
5280626 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 06:41:09 (UTC) 325,418.92 5.000000 5,206,703 1,038,041 19.94
5280618 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 06:34:55 (UTC) 372,020.43 5.000000 5,952,327 17,014,714 285.85
5280528 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 04:57:29 (UTC) 439,169.40 5.000000 7,026,710 9,461,113 134.64
5280480 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 04:03:15 (UTC) 385,027.07 5.000000 6,160,433 41,811,365 678.71
5280250 Confirmed anonymous 01/10 00:05:01 (UTC) 376,206.29 5.001430 6,019,301 15,879,755 263.81
5280164 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 22:34:31 (UTC) 496,114.25 5.000000 7,937,828 13,776,074 173.55
5280086 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 21:15:44 (UTC) 271,884.61 5.000000 4,350,154 4,412,410 101.43
5280063 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 20:50:31 (UTC) 410,433.86 5.000518 6,566,942 7,912,220 120.49
5280023 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 20:05:26 (UTC) 386,223.76 5.000000 6,179,580 115,968 1.88
5280021 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 20:04:49 (UTC) 405,484.84 5.000000 6,487,757 356,867 5.50
5280019 Confirmed anonymous 30/09 20:02:44 (UTC) 415,416.48 5.000258 6,646,664 15,355,191 231.02
Totals 136,731,529 201,332,988 147.25
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 170 confirms.